Another Year Gone
So here we are again. Another year, another September 11th, "the hunt" continues. Listen, after the events of the past two weeks, it's painfully obvious that if this administration cannot help thousands of people trapped for days in one building in a major American city, there is no reason to expect it to bring to justice the two main individuals responsible for the worst-ever attack on American soil.
Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri have been free since 9/11 longer than the United States fought in World War II. Perhaps at some point in the next few years, the FBI will get around to updating its "most wanted" profiles of the two to include a mention of 9/11 and to note that they are no longer in Afghanistan. As you can see here, and here, that hasn't happened yet. And perhaps one day we'll actually start applying "with us or against us" and demand that Pakistan either gets Bin Laden or allows us to do so, as the head of the CIA implies here.
In the meantime, we must not forget what happened four years ago, and we should never stop demanding accountability. Here's one eyewitness account of that day:
How are we doing?
Update 9/11 8:00pm: Apparently because of the large number of visitors, the above website has been temporarily overwhelmed. Another site with some of those same photos is here.
Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri have been free since 9/11 longer than the United States fought in World War II. Perhaps at some point in the next few years, the FBI will get around to updating its "most wanted" profiles of the two to include a mention of 9/11 and to note that they are no longer in Afghanistan. As you can see here, and here, that hasn't happened yet. And perhaps one day we'll actually start applying "with us or against us" and demand that Pakistan either gets Bin Laden or allows us to do so, as the head of the CIA implies here.
In the meantime, we must not forget what happened four years ago, and we should never stop demanding accountability. Here's one eyewitness account of that day:
But above and beyond everything, the one thing I will never forget to my dying day, is the view of the people on the roof and higher floors of the World Trade Center lined up in the windows and on railings. You cannot see their expressions, but it is amazing what a 40 power telescope reveals. They often huddled, probably talked about their chances, and sometimes went back into the building, or maybe, just laid on the floor. But then, some went to the edge, and jumped.Take a minute to look at the people he wrote about, and try to imagine your children, your parents, or yourself in their place just before they jumped. A few of the photos are here---they are disturbing, but important to think about. From that day on, our national obsession should have been bringing to justice those responsible, and addressing the root causes so something like it never happens again.
Some jumped in pairs, holding hands. I doubt if they were married or lovers. I think it was just two people, alone, desperate, black, white, oriental, who cares - the telescope didn't allow me to distinguish age and race. They would just pair up and jump.
I have thought all day about this. If I were on the roof, and I saw flames on all sides of the building, I would almost certainly jump rather than fry. And if I saw another trembling human alongside of me, I would be much happier holding their hand, and jumping as a pair. Somehow to jump as half of a pair, even if the other half is an ad hoc recent acquaintance, seems to me an infinitely more human way to pass on to the next step, than to take the next step alone.
How are we doing?
Update 9/11 8:00pm: Apparently because of the large number of visitors, the above website has been temporarily overwhelmed. Another site with some of those same photos is here.
Thanks TCR.
Remembering the 9/11 terrorist strikes with the backdrop of Katrina devastation, it seems like folly to imagine that we can depend on the government, whether it be this administration or a democratic one, to protect us or adequately service us in the event of massive disasters.
I am somewhat hopeful that the blogosphere will allow us to share ideas and that out of that some common sense solutions will emerge. We will still need to pressure the politicians for transparency and demand competency. But at least we don't need to depend on the mainstream media to get or process information.
Keep up the good work Mr. Realist.
I just got that same feeling I had four years ago when I watched on tv and then heard the boom of the plane hitting the pentagon. It is not a good feeling but one that we all should pull up time to time to remember where our priorities, as a country, should be. t
I just did a Yahoo search for 'miserable failure' and, sure enough, GW Bush comes out on top.
As a fellow New Yorker (born and bred), I stand by what you wrote here Cunning Realist. Even though I am a self-avowed liberal, I agree with much of what you write because so much of it is common sense.
Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri's heads should have been on the Brooklyn Bridge by now. It takes a lot for the pacifist in me to say that, but it is what's deserved for those two. The fact that the Bush administration has not caught them by now, even with knowing where they are, is just criminal.
I think that this administration is very good at taking care of their own interests. There are scary smart people standing behind Bush's buffoonry. If they need it to happen, it happens. If it would be detrimental to their interests, it doesn't happen. Bin Laden is still out there because it is in their best interest for him to be out there.
God Bless America and Bring Our Troops Home.
It was always the jumpers, the images of them in the media, that haunted me the most as well.
Are we, in an emotional sense as an entire nation, approaching the worst September 11th since September 11th?
God I absolutely hate those pictures. It all seems so unreal but I know those were true images.
I get the same sense of unreality looking at those pictures as I get when I hear the stories and see the pictures of my hometown New Orleans. I know it happened but still can't believe it. This was where I spent the first 18+ years of my life going to school and now - look at it. I had a hard knot in my abdomen for days and still cannot get my mind wrapped around it. My family and their homes are ok but all there are so many who have nothing.
Well, the Bush administration doesn't even WANT to catch Bin Laden. If they could, I'm sure they would hold off til an important election
"We can't depend on the government to protect us and keep us safe."
WTF? That's the new Republican mantra? "We've got the world's biggest and best military, but when it comes to a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, you're on your own buddy."
What the hell do we pay taxes for? NOLA needed federal funding to repair its levees. NOLA needed federal coordination of the relief effort when Katrina hit and all lines of communication in the city went down. NOLA needed federal troops--not a lot of wrangling over power and red tape--to restore order in the wake of the disaster.
Bush wasn't paying attention before September 11. He wasn't paying attention to Katrina when she hit, and he wasn't paying attention to her victims until the media show forced him to. Doesn't anyone detect a pattern here? This man is unfit to hold office!
A state agency lawyer quoted in a nationally-circulated news story as questioning Karl Rove's eligibility to vote in Kerr County is out of a job and feeling twice burned.
Elizabeth Reyes said she was fired Tuesday as an attorney in the elections division of the Texas secretary of state's office because she appeared in a Washington Post story Saturday about the presidential adviser.
The article, which was reprinted in papers across the country, quoted Reyes as saying Rove's ownership of Kerr County property may not qualify him to vote there.
San Antonio Express-News
And they are such nice folks....they stand for absolute loyalty no matter what -against Country and humankind....they are the dirt under my shoes....
I stood in the street here in the Village in the midst of a crowd looking downtown. It was far away and my eyesight is no longer sharp. But an Asian kid standing near me was looking through binoculars and saying, "They're jumping. They're jumping."
They will try to do the same thing for another 1000 years as long as we support Israel. Get used to it.
I walked away from the WTC area that day, after watching it through the window at work. I lost people there.
I breathed their ashes, I could taste them, that day and for months after.
I was out of work for months and months. I am just now almost out of debt from that time.
I'm curious, what do you suppose the plan is now?
I walked away. When something bad happens again, which it will, what are we supposed to do? Apparently the Bushco plan is to leave us all to die, and Westchester sheriffs will be there pointing guns at me so that I don't, you know, walk through their town?
I don't have a car.
What is the plan? What if a bad flu season comes? You know what Bushco did to FEMA. You know what they did to the EPA, who lied outright to us about the air at Ground Zero.
What do you suppose they've done to the NIH and the CDC? If you know any scientists, you should ask them. The scientists I know say that NIH is dead and that the CDC has been gutted and is now running with cronies and Christian fundamentalists. Do you count on the Federal governemnt for anything?
Think about it. Good government is invisible. You just go to the store and you buy aspirin. What has happened to the FDA? Anyone know?
You'll take a bad aspirin someday and they'll tell you, well, complain to your governor--I guess you better take it up with your mayor to do quality control on Tylenol or whatever?
There is no plan and no one in charge unless you're in FL and it's an election year.
What will we do here? We are NYers, we mostly don't have cars. Right-wingers will be laughing and dancing on our graves before we're even in them because we were too poor, too stupid, and too lazy to just get out.
Then they can use our dead as political props.
It is no longer safe to live in a city. The cities that drive the economic engine.
I'm curious what you think the Federal government is for?
I see you agreeing with Sullivan's idea:
"Real conservatives believe that the state should do a few things that no one else can do - defense, decent public education, police, law and order among the most obvious - and leave the rest to individuals. "
And I wonder if that's really it?
Do you ever take medicine? Do you ever drink water? Eat food? Breathe air? Do you have a plan to evacuate yourself, your family, your friends, with say, 24 hours notice (if you're lucky)? Where will you go? How long will you stay? What resources do you have and how long will they last?
Wouldn't you rather have a Federal government that works?
I really am curious, you are the only conservative I know who seems even remotely sane (even though I vehemently disagree with your politics), you're smart, you're a good writer. I would really like to know.
I agree we must never forget this.
In response to thirdeye's comment that as long as we support Israel we can expect more terrorism, Roy Bettencourt said (in essence) there are a bunch of countries that don't support Israel and they still suffer Islamofascist sponsored terrorism. Roy, are you trying to say that our support of Israel has nothing to do with past and future Arab terrorism directed against us? You might want to check your logic there... I believe that our support of Israel, or more specifically Sharon and his Likudniks, is not without a price. I would really like to know what it is we get in return for that price.
"We can't depend on the government to protect us and keep us safe."
and that about says all you need to be the one to ask, "why is that?"
or maybe it's time to speak up and say "this will not continue to stand!"
sedition? nope.
revolution? isn't that what we were born of? the demand for self determination and community that protects and serves ALL its members?
change the paradigm here folks!
this admin only has the powers we give it through laziness or apathy. take some of that power back!
each of us has a voice and a spine!
time to ASSERT the rights we are all so damned proud of!
damn it! ROAR if ya gotta, but stand up and actually be a true CITIZEN! It IS OUR community! CARE for one another enough to act not for personal gain, but for the weakest and most marginalized among us!
Anonymous said: Bin Laden is still out there because it is in their best interest for him to be out there.
I couln't have said it better.
Thank you, "feral".
As a registered independent, I am sorry to admit, I voted for Bush. This administration cannot accept any responsibility for anything that goes wrong. We have become a nation run by Big Business which is Fascist. Both parties are involved. The time for Revolution is near. The Government is too Corrupt. Are there any TRUE CONSTITUTIONALIST LEFT! Can we not band together? Do we have the intestinal fortitude to do what must be done? Think about it.
Why didn't Saint Rudy send helicopters to rescue the people on the upper floors?
Anonymous, that's not a serious question, is it?
Giuiliani would had to find enough helicopters, and pilots, and take-off points, and get them up into the air, in the less than one hour between when the first plane hit and the Towers collapsed.
Even assuming he could do that, the upper floors were belching flames and smoke. There were updrafts, downdrafts, probably sideways-drafts, too. And there were bits of building, plane, and people flying around like shrapnel.
Helicopters can't fly in that. They're more vulnerable to fire, projectiles, and air currents than airplanes.
For once I have to agree with roy bettencourt.
And the more I read of thirdeye's comments, the more I tend to think he DOES have an anti-semitic agenda.
Yeah, let's blame Israel (the Jews?) for everything.
It's a little more complicated than that.
"What do you suppose they've done to the NIH and the CDC?"
That's rather terrifying to think about. I know a virologist, maybe I'll ask her what she's heard. It's quite plausible that they've been gutted and filled with cronies and Jesus freaks.
Hope you folks have a good immune system if that asian bird flu takes off.
It just boggles that we have not caught these guys yet. I cannot understand it.
re CDC & NIH-
yup I hear that is what is happening.
They have been regionalized fiefdoms-they can override and redirect budgets no matter what Congress says priorities are.
But this is just what I have would be nice if someone could check it out...
To clarify I am not saying that our relationship with Israel does not piss off the Islamic extremists, my point is that they seem rather easy to piss off. If Israel never existed the Islamic extremists would still be attacking India, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc... It seems to me that the focus should be on the Islamofascists not the objects of their hate.
277fia said...
Then there are the anthrax attacks. Domestic or foreign? I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the US wanted to make sure Americans bought off on a global war against terrorism.
Yeah. You don't hear much about anthrax anymore, do ya? The Fedaration of American Scientists has an interesting report on the anthrax attacks.
· Evidence points to US Bioweapons Reseach as source of the spores.
· Expert analysts for the FBI believe that the letters were written by a Westerner, not a Middle Easterner or Muslim, although the text was clearly intended to imply the latter.
· The choice of a variety of media as targets seems to have been cleverly designed to ensure a broad spectrum of publicity about the attacks.
· The choice of Senators Daschle and Leahy suggests that the perpetrator may lean to the political right and may have some specific grudge against those Senators.
· The anthrax attacks were concurrent with the debate of Bush’s Patriot Act by Congress and the media.
· The Senators who received anthrax letters were trying to amend the Patriot Act to protect civil liberties and the innocent.
And much more. Worth a peek down the memory hole that the anthrax attacks seem to have fallen.
Sorry, forgot the hrefs in above links.
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