Monday, June 07, 2010

"Four Bullets To The Head"

Not much to disagree with here. The derangement is such that I've been half-expecting Israel or its defenders to offer that this was only the first American killed by Israel since 1967.

While the underlying issues are obviously complicated, there's a fine line between Moshe Dayan's "mad dog" and one that's gone rabid. That the latter has appointed itself president and sole member of the region's nuclear club is both absurd and increasingly frightening.


Blogger Paul said...

Cue the accusation of anit-semitism in

6/07/2010 4:27 PM  
Blogger elmlish said...

One has to wonder what Israel would do if the US decided to end, or minimize its financial support of Israel. Would they be pressured to find ways to get along with their neighbors and reduce their role in instigating violence in the region (leaving other parties to do the same), or would the state become even more belligerent and oppressive, thereby speeding up what appears to be a slow-motion genocide?

Not that the US would ever end such support, as unhelpful as it seems to be to the longterm survival of the Israeli State. I don't see rational actions in the cards here.

The absolute guarantee of financial support in the face of any and all behavior encourages an endless turning up of the dial, much in the same way our "too big to fail" system has supercharged our economic system. There's nothing the financial system or Israel can do that would cut off the unending stream of money and support and no one will ever be held accountable except those who dare to complain or struggle against the destruction of homes, lives, and an entire people.

I truly hope that one day (well, many many days), the various factions and people's in the region will be able to live alongside each other without violence and in some sort of friendly accord. Just as I hope that our mostly capitalist system will work to benefit all the people who live with it.

6/07/2010 8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, one has to hope that Iran **does** develop a nuclear arsenal, to deter further Israeli -- and American -- lunatic adventures. In the same vein, it would be a very good thing if Tehran acquired hundreds of the very best air-defense systems that Russia sells.
-- sglover

6/08/2010 12:25 AM  
Anonymous Goldhorder said...

I agree with sglover. We are the beligerents in the middle east. There will only be peace with targeted countries when they can successfully protect themselves. That being said... Turkey can protect itself. If this fallout continues it could cause big changes. The BRIC countries plus Turkey? Brazil and turkey have allready shown a willingness to step outside the script of the "sole" superpower. Russia and China.. I think... Are enjoying watching us make a mess of things while completely destroying our credibility and respect in the world. These things matter. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world who think less and less of the US. We are not going to be a "sole" superpower forever. The 6 million Israelis who think they can lord it over the 100s of millions of arab neighbors have a rude awakening company when this US led "global economy" nonsense finally comes to an end.

6/08/2010 5:09 PM  
Anonymous anonymous said...

Since 1967? There's at least the death of Rachel Corrie, cheered on by Israel defenders.

6/09/2010 8:34 AM  
Anonymous goldhorder said...

Ummm.... That whole US Liberty incident.

6/09/2010 10:31 PM  
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