Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"Trusted Lieutenant" Watch....

Per this post of mine from last month, we have the latest episode here:
Meanwhile, U.S. military sources said Iraq has killed a senior aide of Al Qaida network leader Abu Mussib Al Zarqawi.

The sources said Mohammed Saleh Sultan was killed in an ambush in Mosul on Aug. 12. The military said on Monday that Sultan, known as Abu Zubeir, was a leading operative in Al Qaida in Iraq.
Nope. No more leading operatives, senior aides, or trusted lieutenants. We don't want to hear about it.

Bin Laden. Al-Zawahiri. Zarqawi. Stuff those names in your musket and work on them for a while, then get back to us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for staying on message. I knew three people who died on 9/11. Kids in my daughter's school lost their parents on that day. One child lost both her mom and dad. It's for their and all the other victims' sake that our government needs to handle this seriously and with competence.

8/17/2005 8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever Bush and his cronies are in trouble and in the headlines, they fabricate
"a good news" that they have captured a so and so from Al Qaeda" but where is Bin Laden that Bush was so convinced to capture? "He can run but he cannot hide" "want him Dead or Alive" he said. Now he has to swallow his pride, and his "Bring them on" has been devastating for our troops, and Bin Laden is still a no show.

8/17/2005 10:08 PM  
Blogger zen said...

Something I've always found odd is when Rummy or some other mouthpiece from the admin says that we've killed or captured 75% of the senior Al Q leadership. It's an obvious ploy to give some good news and measurable progress to the dumb masses. But what's even more strikingly transparent, and sad, is the mysterious X factor. If we do not know how many, and who the leadership is (until we kill them, or they release a new video) how in the hell can we know that we've knocked out such a precise (and high) percentage?!?
That's another reason that getting the individuals you mentioned is so important—not only for what they have done previously, but for what it will actually mean going forward.

BTW, great blog. Keep up the good work!

8/17/2005 10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've lost count, how many times have wee been told that they have caught the #3 man????

sure wish the press would grow a memory or ask a question.

8/17/2005 10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn tootin'! Enough with the puppets, bring us the puppeteers!

8/18/2005 9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as hyped war news goes, it's certainly better than the "we've renovated over 3,000 schools."

8/18/2005 9:44 AM  
Blogger Bravo 2-1 said...

I like how the Saudis plug this guy, Oufi, in Medina -- right before Abdullah makes his first regal visit to Medina.

Applause on that one.

8/18/2005 9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks, this is war. Do you honestly believe they're going to reveal anything that's remotely close to the truth? They can't!

Either accept that we're at war and understand that very little of value can be revealed or take a stand that we should not be at war. If you accept the war, then don't complain about the misinformation tactics. It's just another weapon.

8/18/2005 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Misinformation usually evantually backfires on the military, since people stop believing what the officials say and start believing all kind of ridiculous rumors. The troops talk to the people at home whether their commanders want them to or not, particularly when there's something they're unhappy about. It's hard to keep a lid on that kind of thing.

8/18/2005 11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Misinformation backfires in a losing cause and is considered brilliant in a wining one. Worrying about misinformation, per se, is akin to shooting the messenger. There is just no useful purpose in worrying about it.

8/18/2005 12:00 PM  
Blogger zen said...

There's a difference between no giving information at all, especially that which can later be proven false, and giving false information intentionally to manipulate public perceptions.

8/18/2005 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But if the information is misleading how do you determine whether it's to mislead the enenmy or the public? Speculating about this is a fool's game.

8/18/2005 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noticed this also and agree...

8/18/2005 1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, TCR, don't take this wrong. You're doing a great job here but let's fine tune seperating the wheat from the chaff. By not worrying about spin and misinformation, your energy can be freed up analyzing the deeper issues with more focus.

8/18/2005 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What misinformation. That implies that the administration has told us the truth. Ja, sure when it snows in August in Miami.
This administration and the Pentagon has given us lies, spin, propaganda, secrecy and if we are lucky half-truths.
Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe something that will make them look good?
As they say there is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Any takers???

8/18/2005 2:03 PM  
Blogger Otto Man said...

I think when we capture our 50th "Number Three Man in Al-Qaeda," we should get a commemorative plaque.

8/18/2005 3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

third eye said something about either supporting the war or expect misinformation.

i don't support this trumped up war.

you don't begin a war with all it's associate evils and inhumanity simply because you can.

and a multitude of wrongs do not justify more wrongs. what is being done by this admin and the corporate press is wrong. it's not time sensitive misinformation or umbrella protection of the troops. what we are seeing is just the same old CYA of this administration and it's spinners to maintain power for powers sake.


8/19/2005 12:57 AM  
Blogger Phoenician in a time of Romans said...

But if the information is misleading how do you determine whether it's to mislead the enenmy or the public? Speculating about this is a fool's game.

So the US is trying to mislead the enemy about who its leaders are?

8/19/2005 1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that we'll be raising the terror alert soon to scare the hell out of us in supporting these thieves.....never again...
Remember Vietnam....

8/19/2005 5:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because they said it does not mean it is true.
We have been lied to again and again and we supposed to believe them now without proof just because our great military leader - hah, hah - say so.
When hell freezes over!!!

8/19/2005 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is victory anyway in Iraq? How many lives, how much money will it cost, over how many years?

Will Bush sacrifice too, or will he and his cronies gladly send others to fight their battles, as long as they make money and don't have to sacrifice their time, their lives, not in Iraq, not ever?

I actually thought the "Mission Accomplished" was the end after the "Shock and Awe" but that was 2 years ago. It was "bring'em on", "Bin Ladden dead or alive", "he can run, but can't hide". Check out Henry Rollins "Shock and Awe" Tour. We had Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman propaganda. In between, at home, we had more lies on Social Security and Bush breaking away from his Spring vacation to go to the White House to stop a family from making a personal decision - but he can't tear himself away from a 5 week Summer vacation to talk about the war he started with lies. We had the fake news passed out as real news from the Health and Human Services to promote the Medicare prescription drug benefit; but they hid the true cost. Let's see, legislation passed for the Oil corporations, and the NRA got their wish, no gun manufacturer can be held accountable. Bush joked about WMD, Cheney and Rumsfeld tell us the evil-doers, the terrorists, oh the insurgents, are the fringe, are in their last throws, but maybe we need more troops, more weapons. When they were marketing the Iraq war it was going to be short, "last 6 days, 6 weeks. I doubt 6 months"; now it's as long as it takes, decades, a generation. The administration wasn't forthcoming in the reason, cost, or time. We were deceived. The Sunnis, who have been dominate for centuries, can't take it, the Shiites want a theocracy, and the Kurds want complete indepedence; some call it a managed civil war on the brink; and are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers are caught in the middle because Bush sent them there with not enough resources and no plan to win the Peace and no idea of reality or history in Iraq. And if you questioned any of the above you were attacked, even a CIA operative leaked by a ranking White House person.

Where are the flowers now Cheney? They lie on the graves of our kin.

What is the noble cause that Bush started a pre-emptive war in Iraq? By a pre-emptive war, what message, what example, have we sent to the world?

Are we safer today?

Have we reduced our dependency on fossil fuels? Do we have alternatives today? How much is gas?

Can we win the Peace?

8/19/2005 5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Scheuer on Hardball summed up terrorism and our future safety nicely. We'll be paying for Bush's war of choice in Iraq for years and years to come both financially and with blood:

"...The war in Iraq has broken the back of our counterterrorism effort. I‘m not an expert on the threat posed by Saddam Hussein, but the invasion of Iraq has made sure this war will last decades ahead and it has transferred bin Laden and al Qaeda from being man and an organization into being a philosophy and a movement. We‘ve really made sure that the war against us is going to be a long and very bloody one. Iraq was an absolutely disastrous decision."

8/20/2005 2:18 AM  
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