Thursday, March 19, 2009

Feel The Rage!

Lots of chatter recently about pitchforks. Can it happen in an age of pizza and Playstation? Take a look. My longer take is here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like i said..a few disgruntled iraqi vets...a little lunch and

3/19/2009 9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you feel rage, what do you do about it? Protest in front of a government building? My sense is that our political and economic elites have insulated themselves from our influence almost entirely. How do you even get your hands on the levers?

3/20/2009 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you feel rage, what do you do about it? Protest in front of a government building? My sense is that our political and economic elites have insulated themselves from our influence almost entirely. How do you even get your hands on the levers?

3/20/2009 11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm afraid Daniel Shays is right. A protest isn't going to do it. I fear it's going to take some violence.

3/20/2009 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beware the military/industrial complex.
About 50 years late and a peso short.

3/20/2009 1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all Obama's fault.

That much is for sure.

3/21/2009 5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 99% sure Anon 3/21/2009 5:46 PM is being sarcastic, but there is that 1% wondering. Is there some internet way of showing a comment is to be taken as a joke ?

3/21/2009 6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is all bush, clinton, bush, obama's fault. Honestly...other than he can speak without stuttering...i can't tell the difference between Obama and Bush. Take the latest Iran nonsense, Bush basically said capitulate or die. Obama said capitulate and we will talk to you. If you don' die. That is the difference between Obama and Bush. Lol. The press is as brilliant as ever...talking about our bad relations for the last 30 years...skipping over our
Iittle coup in the 50s that ended democracy in Iran. And brought 25 years of pure hell to Iran. But hey...don't those numbscull iranians want to be free? We should apologize to iran for our agressive imperial behavior and promise to have all our troops home by the end of the year. Now that would be "change I can believe in"

3/21/2009 9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems, if you watch our mainstream media, it is more important to report how many people turn out for the Jonas Brothers than real issues that affect our Nation and Democracy.

What's wrong with NY that more New Yorkers weren't out there? HHmm... Maybe wars and protests are done differently today?

People are outraged, tired, and/or just trying to support their family and community. And there are those that lack the education, and those that lack scruples. It is one thing for someone rich with their money and network to lead, but a whole other thing for the middle-class and poor. Right now the rich have completely failed our Nation. The poor are weak, and the middle class trying to hang on. It takes great courage, perseverance, and self-sacrifice to know you may lose everything to stand up to money and power.

We have a representative government, whose job is to do the "right" thing for a healthy sustainable Democracy (unfortunately for the last 25 years they have sucked at their job). This way, we all take our area of expertise, and contribute to society. We should be elated that some media is there. They are finally doing their job, and keeping people informed, which is critical in a Democracy and a Global economy. But remember Fox and Limbaugh have a pulpit, and CNBC, (not too mention the radical right) and they aren't exactly pillars of character, truth and justice. Change the media, change minds, and change how business is done. If the media actually investigated and reported, the tide would turn. But they are owned by corporations that work with other corporations, who own our politicians. Those corporations want to maintain their thrones and sieve of cash, as do politicians. Ho hum :-(

Obama needs to be a WHOLE lot stronger. He let people down already with Summers and Geithner.

When people were protesting the buildup to the Iraq war, I can still hear Jay Leno making fun of those individuals, calling them lazy. I thought they were exercising their rights and doing us all a service. Some folks protest, and some hold the fort down.

Frank Rich had a good op-ed, "Has a ‘Katrina Moment’ Arrived?"

I'm on the mailing list for "The Nation" magazine. I received an email that a local group of "The Nation" readers is forming to talk about issues. That's pretty cool.

3/22/2009 2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The 100 People Who Are Changing America"

With all the shenanigans on WS crippling the world's economies and killing people's retirements, hopes, and dreams, the talk of bonuses for failure, 8 years of Bush, the fringe right, demagogues, bigots, and religious extremists, the negative gobbledygook and spin coming from Limbaugh, CNBC, and Fox, this list of people doing real work and making positive changes (and gee, good things happen without multimillions because they are doing it for better reasons) was refreshing, hopeful, and energizing.

Do we really need WS? Are they worth all the time and money?

It is such a joke on us, and a bad one at that, that we are buying up these toxic assets that really are worth a lot less or complete junk.

3/23/2009 3:53 PM  
Anonymous viagra online said...

That it's a waste of time, I don't know you but I live by myself and I don't have children or girlfriend and If I don't fell good in a place I just leave.

1/18/2011 9:26 AM  

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