Friday, June 22, 2007

"Trooper Garrity"

Ready for this guy to move into Karl Rove's office in the West Wing? (via TPM)

Update: More time with the family....


Blogger wendyo said...

What is it with these right-wingers and their fixation with the trappings of military/police regalia? So weird.

I also sometimes marvel at the people who post to pro-war blogs...they read like a fucking paintball fantasy camp brochure.

6/22/2007 11:50 AM  
Blogger Tony said...

From the article: "Jay Garrity, who is director of operations on Romney's presidential campaign and a constant presence at his side, became the primary target of the investigation, according to one of the sources, after authorities traced the cellphone used to make the call back to him."

Just like Karl Rove, only dumber. Another testosterone poisoned authoritarian to further sink our nation into a barabaric quagmire.

6/22/2007 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.."their fixation with the trappings of military/police regalia?"...

Have you never realized that fascists are in love with that sort of things.

Our right wing bully boys aka GOP have the corner on this kind of stuff and it is a wonder that not more of it has come to light.

Watching this nation with its democratic ideals sink more and more into this quicksand is really frightning. It is going to get a lot worse and I have my doughts whether it will ever get better.

I am glad I am not a young kid as I watch my world slowly come to an end. It reminds me on that old saying - Nero played the fiddle as Rom burned. I just never thought I would get a ringside seat for a replay.

6/22/2007 1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.."their fixation with the trappings of military/police regalia?"...

Have you never realized that fascists are in love with that sort of things.

Our right wing bully boys aka GOP have the corner on this kind of stuff and it is a wonder that not more of it has come to light.

Watching this nation with its democratic ideals sink more and more into this quicksand is really frightning. It is going to get a lot worse and I have my doughts whether it will ever get better.

I am glad I am not a young kid as I watch my world slowly come to an end. It reminds me on that old saying - Nero played the fiddle as Rom burned. I just never thought I would get a ringside seat for a replay.

6/22/2007 1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nero was also the last of the Julio-Claudian line and four years after Rome burned he was driven out and committed suicide (in imperial Rome that usually meant he was given the option of killing himself rather than being executed/murdered).

Right-wing authoritarians are only as dangerous as regular citizens allow them to be -- given power they must eventually abuse it -- as in the parable of the scorpion and the frog, it is their nature.

Personally I imagine Trooper Garrity as an S&M freak who digs leather, clubs and handcuffs but hasn't graduated to whips and net stockings (yet): Somewhat alarming at first, maybe even a bit scary, until the laughter begins to swell.

6/22/2007 2:48 PM  
Blogger Luneau Atheist said...

I imagine Trooper Garrity as a huge fan of "24". After all, there's nothing going on in this whole wide world that can't be fixed with a little head bashing and torture.

6/22/2007 3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was brought up with the idea that "we are known by the company we keep"

If this is so.........

6/22/2007 5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was brought up with the idea that "we are known by the company we keep" "

So was I and I thought of that when I saw Guiliani and Kerik surveying the ruins of the Towers.

I think Romney is just polishing up his GOP credentials.

The burning of Rome is also an apt analogy and, yep ... we are watching the destruction of an "empire".

6/22/2007 9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I imagine Trooper Garrity as an S&M freak who digs leather, clubs and handcuffs but hasn't graduated to whips and net stockings (yet): Somewhat alarming at first, maybe even a bit scary, until the laughter begins to swell.

I imagine "Trooper" Garrity more as a Village People wannabe, and the laughter isn't all that swells for him.

6/23/2007 2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A while back there was a rash of cases of solo women drivers who were pulled over and assaulted by fake cops who had the whole regalia. First question I asked about this case was to wonder what other uses Garrity had for his toys.

6/23/2007 5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not always fake cops.

6/23/2007 9:36 PM  
Blogger Grace Nearing said...

Garrity seems to be the Rupert Pupkin of State Trooperism. As the harrassed sewer cleaner observed, this is hinky.

6/24/2007 1:59 AM  

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