Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cool, Dude!

Rich Lowry sees a potential solution to our problems in Iraq, and unwittingly provides a great example of what incisive conservative analysis means these days:
Interesting view from a military expert that someone was just sharing with me: If we were to announce tomorrow that we aren't leaving Iraq for another 10 years, the war would be all but over. Since the insurgents' strategy is based on getting us to leave prematurely, it would be a major blow to them, and it would embolden everyone who is sitting on the fence, afraid that we might leave. Just a thought...
Anyone else get the feeling that this war isn't much more than a game of Dungeons and Dragons to some on the Titular Right?


Blogger Old Lady said...

That is the main reason we did not win the Viet Nam War. Ask any veteran of that war and they will tell you that it is all a game to everyone except for the soldiers, grunts, wing wipers and squids. War is and always be "I want what you have and you are going to give it to me." Look back into history of the numerous wars and you will discover the baseness of them all.

6/22/2006 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit, I have run Dungeons and Dragons games for 20 years, and the vast majority of my players have _far_ more tactical sense and subtlety than this... I demand you apologize to D&D players.

6/22/2006 5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you know the history of the Middle East, you know that 10 years is like a minute or less to them.
What rubbish.

6/22/2006 5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 years seems spot-on to me. Need to keep the 'lower class' down to assure a ready pool of fresh meat.

Oh wait, that already is the plan.

6/22/2006 11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were an Iraqi and the US announced that it was planning to occupy my country for the next ten years, I think that even if I was pleased that Saddam had been deposed that I would join the insurgency.

No one likes foreign soldiers in their country.

6/23/2006 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you know the history of the Middle East, you know that 10 years is like a minute or less to them.
What rubbish.

Couldn't have said it better myself. By attacking us in the first year of our new Christian millenium, Islamicists are signalling they are ready to fight us for another 1,000 years or until all Jews are killed, whichever comes first.

Nice folks, huh?

6/23/2006 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I didn't believe I could be suprised by anything Lowry would say, I must admit this is stunning.

Based on pretzel logic to be sure, but I wish the administration would do just that.

We could get the impeachment underway without a Dem controlled house.

6/23/2006 1:06 PM  
Blogger Dancewater said...

"By attacking us in the first year of our new Christian millenium, Islamicists are signalling they are ready to fight us for another 1,000 years or until all Jews are killed, whichever comes first."

Of course, they had no real hope of achieving this goal unless we stepped up to the plate and played the game. Which we did, big mistake!

Now we will end up with an America in ruins, the Middle East in ruins, god-knows-what-else ---- and all because of 19 thugs supported by a couple of thousands (max) thugs and really lousy US intelligence and really, really, really bad leadership in DC.

cunning plot, though.

and it might work if Americans don't wake up in time

6/23/2006 2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the terrorists have adopted our approach, to fight us there so they don't have to fight us here.

6/23/2006 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kaimu said.

The phrase "Titular Right" evokes, for me, images of adults suckling at mummy's breast - an apt description for Lowry and Company.

6/23/2006 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But we've already made that announcement. We are building four huge military bases away from the major cities (bases so big that they have school busses running around the perimeters in order to get people from one side to another) and on top of that we are building the largest US Embassy in the world in Baghdad. If that doesn't tell the Iraqi's what our plans are what do you suppose it will take?

6/23/2006 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think only the American public is stupid enough to believe we are going to "leave Iraq". There is no way we are going to give up our beachead in the Gulf. At some point we might reduce the number of GI's there and retreat mostly to the big bases but leave? Never.

Having an army and more importantly a supply base there is a strategic gem that cannot be given up. That in the end was the purpose of this entire exercise. Saddam was just a pretext. Having air bases and facilities there to garrison troops and supplies gives us incalcuable advantages in all strategic matters regarding the Gulf states and their oil and also with the oil producing stans to the north, as well as against Russia and even China. Especially China actually.

It is astounding to me that this 'Great Game' sort of analysis never enters the public sphere. Even the supposedly grand strategic thinkers on the right never seem to mention it. Mostly because they are dumb and unknowingly are fighting fighting a rear guard action for domestic political purposes.

6/24/2006 12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, guys.

Don't people have a way of forgetting their nation was invaded on false pretenses? I mean, if the Chinese army was camped out in places like Houston and Washington D.C. because they told everyone else we were concocting death gas in mobile weapons labs and in league with the devil, wouldn't we become oblivious to the checkpoints, dead sons, and lack of electricity -- eventually?

6/24/2006 7:12 AM  
Blogger Old Lady said...


The "Great Game" will never enter the public atmosphere because the public would never support that cause. All wars are politicians and corporate games. Games of power, money and emininent domain. The banks that control the world, including the United States are the ones in power. Our country and the lives of our protective forces are just a pawn in a bigger game of control of money.

Our Vice-president along with our secretary of defense devised a plan in the 90's during the last Republican campaign that was loosely called The Millineum Group.

Their plan was to maintain Republican power in the US while invoking the New World Order. Their plan was to engage in war in one country by perpetrating a catistrophic event that would rally the US public to arms. Once that was in motion, they would begin a war with another country. This was all to happen prior to 2000. Ergo, the name of the group Clinton threw a wrench in the gears for 8 years. It took a bloodless coup to envoke this plan during the 2000 election.

I am an American. I love this country. I hate what it is doing. I am old enough to have experienced the pain and suffering resulting from one pompous needless war. Do you realize that if the Allies had given Ho Chi Mein the teachers and independence of Viet Nam he requested in return for his support during WWII that Viet Nam would have never happened. That country was raped of all its economy and natural resources by the French. These people just wanted their country back.

Wars are games of chess for the financiers of the world in order the tighten up the circulation of dollars and to have power and control over the flow of money.

6/24/2006 10:04 AM  
Blogger Wild Clover said...

"kaimu said...


I'll give you the reverse scenario. Announce that we are pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan by the end of June and before the month is up we will have another WTC 9-11 event to get us back in!"

Probably. But I'd make a bet(no $$$, 'cause I could never prove it) that it would be an event coordinated or sanctioned by certain fascists in the US who mascarade as patriotic Americans. 9-11 happened. Unfortunately the timing was just tooo advantageous for the administration for my peace of mind. Notice that such things did NOT happen before Bushco, and haven't happened since, though lone loonies and small stuff has been going on for decades. By making that horror the benchmark, acts like bombing one of our embassies(hey Bushie-American soil!) get swept under the rug so the repugs can claim we haven't been attacked on our soil. Bushit. And since the Great Unwashed/Unthinking masses have been seeing reports of this small-scale stuff for decades, the 'pugs get away with touting their anti-terror crededntials.

6/24/2006 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Game? How about: "The Great Bait and Switch" instead? That's exactly what we have on our hands here. Our country is being run, our nation represented, by a bunch of slippery used car dealers.

6/25/2006 4:28 AM  

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