Friday, September 08, 2006

He Just Can't Help Himself....

Q Quick follow-up. A lot of the consequences you mentioned for pulling out seem like maybe they never would have been there if we hadn't gone in. How do you square all of that?

THE PRESIDENT: I square it because, imagine a world in which you had Saddam Hussein who had the capacity to make a weapon of mass destruction, who was paying suiciders to kill innocent life, who would -- who had relations with Zarqawi.

Press conference 8/21/06

Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. Postwar information from an al-Qa'ida detainee indicated that Saddam's regime "considered al-Zarqawi an outlaw" and blamed his network, operating in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, for two bombings in Baghdad.

Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence, page 109, 9/8/06

If the president hopes to avoid Democratic-led investigations and calls for his impeachment after the midterms, he certainly hasn't been doing himself any favors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will be a happy day when the entire administration just disappears from our lives. Oblivion would be great.

9/08/2006 7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will only happen after 2008. I just yearn for the old days of the Stalinist purges. Where is Beria when you need him

9/08/2006 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the above two posters are idiots! come on, we are, whatever Bush may blaim, a nation based on the rule of Law.

Why wish oblivion, and purges--man read a history book to see what purges are all about--let is ask/demand that our Representatives follow their oath.

that is to be an American.

9/08/2006 11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice nice catch realist, thats why they really cannot afford to lose november...imagine the likes of bush/blair one day appearing before the likes of something like carla del ponte for war crimes charges...gosh thats a fate that may be too much for even them...she has to be the most unattractive woman ever...errrrr

9/09/2006 12:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people just do not understand sarcasm.

I have read a book or three. One of them happened to be "The Gulag Archepelago". Also might have read something about pogroms, the Oranges in Ireland, the Armenians in Turkey, Pol Pot, etc...

Why do people with disagree with someone's opinion on the Net immediately start labelling people.

Speaking of oaths... I took one 7 times to defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both foreign and domestic. That was while spending 20 years in the Corps.

Have you ever taken this oath?

9/09/2006 12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, "oblivion" is the alcoholic's excuse -- "How can you blame me for what I can't even remember doing?" We need something more like the Nuremberg Trials, where the people responsible for all the deaths & misery are held to account and where 'I was only following orders' or 'It seemed like the right thing at the time' or 'Everybody else did it so I thought it was okay' are dismissed for the pitiful excuses they are! -- Anne Laurie

9/09/2006 3:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the above if things could be kept decent and in proportion. However, the media would make the usual circus out of it. We should keep our eye on the problems of today and tomorrow rather than spend all our time and attention on the mistakes of the past.

9/09/2006 7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this would disturb me less if I thought it was a baldface lie.

What concerns me is that Bush actually believes what he says.

Is there no one in the administration who has the balls to correct the President when he makes such egregious mistakes.

9/09/2006 8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great find, everything out of Bush's mouth is a lie. Sad, we use to be a great nation, then we allowed Bush to steal the elections, and... well...

9/09/2006 9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if this sums up the beliefs of the blog and most comments:

Bush blows!
We're all gonna die!

Repeat, ad nauseum.

Please direct your insults to Billy Bob Butters.

9/09/2006 1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

antonie wrote: We should keep our eye on the problems of today and tomorrow rather than spend all our time and attention on the mistakes of the past.

Uh huh. Thousands dead and injured, billions squandered, national credibility shot, all on the basis of lies... oh well, water under the bridge. Wouldn't want to be unseemly. Heaven forbid.

9/10/2006 1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, just let it go. That will really teach the next trust fund jack ass that it really is okay to start needless wars and help your already grossly rich friends to get even richer at the expense of the Country...and the people dying for it. By the way, who is next in line for President after the Veep? I thought it was Speaker of the House. Any impeachment of those two criminals will take longer than 2 years so I suppose it doesn't really matter. I mean, look at all the time they spent getting way they can go through even half of what these Bastards have done in 2 years.

9/10/2006 6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the saddest thing is bush probably believes everything he says as being the truth at the moment he says it...he is just not very bright...

9/11/2006 3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I know it's a dead horse, but "suicide" is not a verb. One commits suicide, one does not suicide. Therefore one cannot be a "suicider". I know I sound like a nit-picker, but I think the President should speak properly. It's like nails on a chalkboard with this guy.

9/11/2006 10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kilfarsnar, you forget -- "Homicide Bombing"/"Homicide Bomber"(TM) and "Suicider"(TM) are now registered Trademarks of Fox News, Inc. Bush is simply using a brand name -- perfectly acceptable English grammar. (And you can bet the White House PR department makes sure the royalties are paid for that use.)

9/11/2006 11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/09/2006 8:24 AM  
Anonymous singapore escort said...

The writer is totally fair, and there is no skepticism.

5/23/2011 7:30 AM  

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