Friday, July 11, 2008

Turning Pop Culture Upside Down

If you missed it, the June 30 issue of TAC has a good cover story on the natural link between conservatism and healthy eating. Of course, no political philosophy has a sole claim on this subject -- check out how many reader comments this New York Times piece inspired. But as the TAC articles explain, the "culinary culture" and its associated rituals dovetail with traditional conservatism in some basic ways.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always associated conservatism with gluttony. Then again I suppose it depends upon what you mean by conservatism.

Oh I see, it's traditional conservatism. The kind where the rich eat more vegetables than the rest of us. The kind embraced by old men of certain means, oft of proper breeding, who want to put an extra layer of polish on the veneer in the library. Wherein the claims are made that all that is good springs from some ideology. The one, happily, to which they subsribe.

Actually no good emerges from any ideology. Ideology being the enemy of wisdom and a tool of the devil which allows men to assume the role of God.

7/11/2008 6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denny Hastert ??


Silly story. Has to basis in reality.

7/11/2008 10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Pollen, in "The Omnivore's Dilemma" visits a small farm in Virginia which prescribes to everything all the advocates of healthy eating advocate--lots a variety, grass-fed beef, free range fowl, etc. Turns out the farmer is a born again Christian and a libertarian.

7/13/2008 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been part of the Organic Community for over 20 years I can attest to the fact that Organics has always attracted a mix of back to the land hippies and independent conservatives.

At one point I was buying crops from Tim Mcveigh's family as well as collective socialist farmers in the same area.

The world food system has been corrupted by many and various forces who all do what is best for their financial interest, regardless of how good their actions are for the farmer or consumer.

In most industrialized countries food is far more personal than in the US. There is pride in local products. Yes real 18 month aged Reggiano Parmigiano is much more expensive than the 3 month old Parm that is made in the US, that comes with fillers, binders and artificial colors.

People are just now coming to the realization that cheap food is full of empty calories.

7/13/2008 12:11 PM  

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